
current crazy events...

Just a few things that have happened in the past two weeks in Nepal...

1. I fainted today, AGAIN!! Beginning to feel like this is a pattern and I have no idea why. I was literally sitting at my breakfast spot reading, just so happened to be in a really gruesome part of the Life of Pi, and starting feeling very nauseous. Sitting in a tiny little cafe, I put my head in my hands. Started sweating seriously abnormal amounts, and when all I could think about was how I was going to get from there to my bed, I decided I could brave the streets and try to walk home. I made it about five yards, my vision was gone and I grabbed onto the nearest thing I could find, a sign with flashing lights...and I was out for the count. If anyone has ever fainted, the scariest part is losing vision. I started seeing spots, and then fell into a sort of dream like trance.Woke up on a foreign dirt road once again, though this time surrounded by Nepali faces, and a sweet Aussie man who helped me to my feet. Just a bit frightening, especially because I was FINE two minutes before. Does anyone know why this keeps happening to me?? So now I find myself stuck at ANOTHER internet cafe looking up fainting symptoms. WTF.

2. Walking "home" one night, I literally bumped into a friend from San Francisco who I went to college with. Had no idea she was in Nepal, and had not seen her in at least three years, talk about a small world!

3. Seeing the new James Bond film in Nepal, surrounded by Nepalis and being given a 20 minute intermission in the middle of the movie. Oh, and arriving literally James Bond style on the back of a motorcycle, and the cargo (being me obviously) was not given a helmet, really safe. Just speeding through the narrow streets of Kathmandu on the back of a motorcycle, typical day you know.

4. Just the simple fact that I am still miraculously in Nepal. I hit day 103 of being abroad yesterday. Unbelievable that I could potentially not even have made it half way through this journey...whaattt??

5. Being offered any number of drugs at all hours of the day, nearly every ten feet I walk in Thamel. You want to smoke something, come to Thamel and you will be set for life. I'm not sure what it is about me, or if I have just mastered the whole look of lost, hippy, hobo traveller, stoner, hmmm, uh oh.

6. The wonderful ability to spend hours upon hours reading, drawing, writing, sitting. Something I will always cherish and understand will probably never again happen, once I have to reassociate myself with society and life in the states.

7. Thats all for now....For anyone who actually reads this. Well I am missing home A LOT these days. It feels so far far away.

1 comment:

Photon Bombs said...

You have been abroad for an eternity. . if this post was day 103, you must be at day 125 or something now. . almost half a year. .I am in awe. And totally jealous.